Bizloan eForm

Bizloan eForm

Bizloan eForm

BizLoan is a mobile application to apply unsecured business loan up to Rp500 million. Download Bizloan on Google Play or App Store to apply for unsecured business loan without having to come to Commonwealth Bank branches.

Bizloan Features:

  1. 1
    Unsecured business loan starting from Rp50 million up to Rp500 million
  2. 2
    Loan repayment term up to 3 (three) years
  3. 3
    Competitive interest rate equivalent to 1.09% = 1.49% flat per month (effective per 01 July 2018)
  4. 4
    Application process only take 7 working days (after documents complete)

Who can apply for BizLoan :

  1. 1
    Individual / entrepreneur with legal entity (PT, CV, Firma)
  2. 2
    The business has been running for a minimum of 2 (two) years
  3. 3
    Domicile of business is in Jabodetabek or Surabaya area
  4. 4
    Monthly sales turnover of Rp25 million – Rp5 billion

Leave your contact on this form. We are very happy to help you further.

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